Doing Business in Germany

This 2014 guide summarizes topics relating to corporate law, tax regimes and accounting regulations. Its objective is to guide investors who are keen to set up their own business in Germany, by giving them an overview over the law and regulations in that country.

Germany is a highly developed industrial nation and since many years very attractive for investors. The country offers a variety of opportunities to start business in Europe. In the dynamic environment of the powerful economy, Germany is a fine location to access the European market.

Despite the harmonization in the European Union, there still remain economic, social, legally and cultural differences amongst its countries that foreign investors should be aware of. Germany has a central geographical location in Europe and is an important hub for companies doing business there. The country can provide an excellent infrastructure, an economic and political stability, a highly developed legal system and skilled workers.

Table of contents:

  1. Knowing Germany
  2. How to set up a company in Germany
  3. How to employ staff, which kind of staff and at what cost?
  4. Taxation of individuals
  5. Taxation of companies
  6. Understanding German Accountancy
  7. Doing business in Germany


Doing Business in Germany